Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Be A Buddy, Not A BULLY!!!!

We live in a technologically driven world, where just about EVERYTHING can be done via the internet. Whether it's by phone, computer, or while gaming there is a insurmountable amount of...


People literally have the "convenience" of staying at home, and wreaking havoc on someone else's life. Potentially causing irreparable damage to that person, and their loved ones.

Exhibit A:  These messages were shared with me just a couple hours ago from a friend so close I call her my sister. So, seeing these were quite difficult for me read.


This person has been repeatedly sending harmful messages. Not only threatening, but also belittling the intended receiver. Then bringing her husband into the mix, and spouting off accusations of infidelity. WHOA! further, attacking her physical appearance, as well as her place of employment.

Hepatitis C

"...your nasty husband has hep c most likely you will get it" and then laughs.

Let's take a moment and talk about Hepatitis C for a moment.

According to: Viral Hepatitis Action Coalition @

"Each year, about 17,000 Americans become infected with hepatitis C, but an estimated 3.2 million people in the United States are living with an active chronic hepatitis C infection. "

The majority of infected persons are unknowingly walking around with this disease.

AHHH! I dislike that word disease... because it makes you feel all sorts of negative feelings... at first. And then you learn to live with it, that you have it. It doesn't have you.

I my friends, are one of those 3.2 million people here in the US that has it.

I have Hep C. But it doesn't define me. And how dare someone use someones ailment against them.

I have no words. Well, obviously I have words, because here we are.

So What's The Point?

We all are here on this planet just trying to survive, and live our lives. Lives that all too often turn out to be way too short, and filled with regrets.

Words hurt. They hurt us all, whether we are on the giving end or receiving end. I have been on both and have had to learn the hard way about kindness and cruelty.

Let us work together, building one another up, and loving each other.

The alternative is bleak and the future dim, if this behavior keeps up.

To many have already been negatively affected by bullying, this includes losing their lives. So if you or someone you know are struggling with being bullied, please reach out to someone and/or call:

The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-TALK (800-273-8255)

You matter. I matter. We matter... and Jesus loves you! God Bless y'all!

And that's how I feel about that!

*Disclosure: I have been given permission to share these, and all names/identifying features have been removed.


  1. So true. Words do hurt. The enemy uses tongues to destroy people.

  2. So true. Words do hurt. The enemy uses tongues to destroy people.

  3. Love you Shannon Redline not sure how to do a review for you but your an amazing strong woman and I'm beyond great full and blessed to have such an amazing person part of my family love you sister:)
